
Thursday, April 18

Self Tanning Fail

Okay, so this was kind of my desperate attempt to get tan quick before I left Utah unexpectedly. It was a terrible idea, really. But I had spent several hours in direct sunlight and I didn't tan. At all. So, I mean, what's a girl to do after spending three months in Utah? You can't come back to Alaska NOT tan! No, instead you should come back splotchy. Ugh.

So I followed this article's instructions on how to apply the self tanner. Basically to the dot.

But then, I sat for two hours and I didn't seem to be getting darker at all. So I thought, "Well, might as well apply another coat of it, right?"Carelessly. Thinking "Oh it won't that big of a difference". Um, yeah, it made a difference. Also note that I went and laid under my blankets after I applied it, making it even worse.

Mistakes I made:
  1. I didn't apply enough lotion to my more dry areas, (knees, elbows, hands, etc.) and ended up with them much darker than the rest, even after several showers. 
  2. Applying a second coat soon after, and without being careful about making it even. 
  3. Laying under my blankets before it dried...
  4. I don't think I have the best self tanning lotion...

Does anybody know where I can get a good spray tan in Wasilla/Palmer area after this stuff washes off/fades? Something that won't turn orange or streak...

Here's some covert pictures I took in the airport. 

What are your tanning escapades? Leave me a comment below :)

P.S. Sorry for posting this happened two and a half weeks ago...

~La vie est belle, Bri~

Tuesday, April 2

Rora's Weekly Update

What up, my peeps? It's been a week. Well...a little over a week...but still. It's roughly a week. So, here's my update:

Monday 3/25:
41 Pull-ups
50 Calf Raises

Tuesday 3/26:
42 Pull-ups
1/2 Mile Walk

Wednesday 3/27:
43 Pull-ups
100 Calf Raises
25 30" Box Jumps

Thursday 3/28:
Rest Day

Friday 3/29:
44 Pull-ups
50 Calf Raises
1 1/2 Mile Run

Saturday 3/30:
45 Pull-ups
1 1/2 Mile Run

Sunday 3/31:
Rest Day

Normally, my rest days are Saturday and Sunday. HOWEVER, I woke up Thursday with a really bad muscle cramp in my neck. I'm talking like, I couldn't turn my head to either side. And when I had my dad(who is a Chiropractor..) adjust me, I couldn't lift myself off the table. I had to slide down... SO, I didn't feel like I could do pull-ups, and I took Thursday off.

Now, you may've noticed that Pull-ups are the ONLY thing that I did consistently, and that it moved up in number each day. Usually, I will run every day as well. BUT my dog recently got neutered, and since he is my running buddy, we didn't start running again until Friday. Also, my dad and are doing a 100-day Pull-up Challenge. We started sometime in January, and we basically add an extra Pull-up every day. So...that's where that comes from.

That's basically all I can think of for ya', peace out.