
Tuesday, June 3

Journey through juicing

Most peoples posts about their "juice cleanses" and such, and they all go somewhere along the lines of "I just feel sluggish" "I want more energy" "I feel depleted" "I don't even care about the weight loss".

While I do feel sluggish, depleted, and in want of more energy, the primary reason for this cleanse is weight loss. I won't lie. Swimsuit season is coming, and I plan on spending a bit of time at the beach. And at the moment, the last thing I wanna put on is a swimsuit(Thank you, Thunder Thighs!).

My mother started juicing again a few weeks ago. She had about a cup of juice(like, 1 measuring cup) with her breakfast each morning for about a week. That's it. And she lost 3 pounds. 

I know that's not a lot, but a cup of juice isn't very much. You want more drastic results? You need more drastic actions. 

I decided to ease myself into a juice cleanse. Replace breakfast a few days, then replace a second meal, and then get up to where I'm just juicing for 3 days. 

Here we go...

Day 1: 

A full glass of juice. This was plenty enough to fill me up. I drank it at about 8:00 am, and I wasn't hungry until about noon. The taste wasn't phenomenal by any means, I was pretty sick of it by the end of the glass. I think it was the chard. 

1 cucumber 
1 red pepper
2 leaves of green chard

Day 2: 

For some reason, my veggies must have been less juicy today, because it made significantly less(to be fair, my mama made me save a cup for her). I drank it at about 7:30, and wasn't feeling hungry until about noon. Right after finishing it, I took my preworkout and I was in the gym shortly after 8. That's a lot of liquids slushing around. I took it slow at first, though, and it was fine. 

1 cucumber 
1 red pepper 
1 small head of fresh broccoli 
3 carrots 

Day 2(juice 2):
This one tastes very "green". My mama wasn't a huge fan. 

1 head of celery
1 cucumber
1/2 green pepper 
2 kiwis 
2 handfuls of spinach. 

I drank this along with a small plate of salad(with a vinegar/olive oil dressing) and I didn't eat again until my very solid dinner that night. 

Day 3: 

This one was incredibly bitter. I drank my mom's portion as well, because I didn't want to force her to drink it. 

1 head of celery 
1/2 cucumber 
2 kiwis 
1/4 apple 

I drank this juice for lunch, rather than for breakfast. 

Day 4: 

In an attempt to steer away from the last two juices that were very bitter, and also upon my mothers request, I made this one mainly with carrots. It was sweet and delicious and I was kinda sad when I reached the end of the glass. 

This was breakfast, along with a quarter of a gluten free waffle.. 

1 head of celery 
1 red pepper
3 carrots 
1/4 apple 

Day 4(juice 2):

1/2 cucumber
1 red pepper 
1 apple 

This one was my lunch. I are breakfast so late that by the time my family was eating lunch, I was still stuffed. So I had lunch a few hours after them, with this juice. It wasn't bad, but definitely a little more sweet than I had wanted. 

Day 5:

This was probably one of the best ones I've had so far. I drank myself beyond full on this one cuz I liked it so much. 

1 head of celery 
3 carrots 
5+ handfuls of spinach 

Spinach is kinda a struggle to juice. You just have to patiently feed it into the juicer. You don't get a ton of juice from it, so you have to use a substantial amount. 

And thus ended my juice cleanse. I had planned on making one last one the next day, but I ended up not having enough time.

So, I ended up not doing any complete days of juicing, although that was my original plan. None the less, simply drinking 1-2 juices a day, I lost 5 pounds. Which was crazy. And, I did have more energy, had that "glow", yaddiya, all the stuff everyone else claims.

I think I would've had a different experience if I was doing a strict juice cleanse, and the results probably would've been more drastic. However, I was also eating relatively clean throughout this cleanse.

Let me know if you have any questions :)