ok, these pictures go until about...last tuesday...so, yeah...i have like another week of pictures to upload...BUT STILL. I'M GETTING THEM UP.
They pretty much go in order...i won't explain much...sorry they're all crooked....(if that's even how you spell it) or sideways or whatever. I rotated them on my computer, but my computer'sDUMB and it decided they looked better this way. ::)
Outfit 1:
Purple tank top: hand-me-down
Brown top: Hollister
Survivor Bracelet: My friend Monkey made it for me. :)
And my shorts :)
Outfit 2:
Shirt: Kohls + sharpies
Jeans: Ross
Outfit 3:
Shirt: Hand me down
Shorts :)
Outfit 4:
Shirt: Hand me down
white tank top: walmart
anddddd shorts
Outfit 5:
Shirt: Hand me down(AGAIN)
White tank top: walmart
Outfit 6:
Dress: Hand me down
White tank top: walmart
Black cardy: Stolen from sister
Random head in the background: Belongs to my friend Brooke.
Outfit 7:
black tank top: Walmart
Shirt: Hollister
Jeans: Ross
Outfit 8:
white tank top: Walmart
Polka dotty top: hand me down
Purple shrug: Max Rave
Ok. I'm going to email ALL the pictures i've taken since last friday that are upstairs on the other computer to myself, and I'll post them pronto. :) I've taken pictures everyday...except yesterday and Saturday...cuz i was waaaayyy busy and NEVER home. Really. I'll tell you what I was wearing when the time comes tho. :)